Write for Us at Save N Shine

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Save N Shine! We’re excited to collaborate with you and share your expertise with our growing community.

Writing for Save N Shine offers a fantastic opportunity to showcase your health, wellness, and lifestyle knowledge. Your work will gain visibility through our website and social media channels, allowing you to reach a broad audience and strengthen your writing portfolio.

Please review the guidelines below for detailed instructions on submission, content requirements, and preferred topics.

What We Look For

Successful guest posts should be:

Well-Researched and Insightful: Articles should be at least 1000 words, offering practical tips, in-depth analysis, or innovative ideas to inspire our readers.

Original and Exclusive: Content must be unique and not published elsewhere. We value originality and fresh perspectives.

Credible and Engaging: Support your insights with reputable sources, relevant examples, and engaging visuals. Ensure your content is easy to read with clear subheadings and bullet points.

Topics of Interest

We are particularly interested in articles related to the following categories:

Skincare & Beauty: Expert advice on skin care routines, product reviews, natural beauty solutions, and tips for glowing skin.

Fitness & Wellness: Innovative workout routines, mental health strategies, holistic wellness practices, and ways to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Nutrition & Healthy Eating: Healthy recipes, dietary advice, and guidance on adopting better eating habits.

Sustainable Living: Eco-friendly practices, sustainable products, and tips for living a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Benefits of Writing for Us

Wide Audience Exposure: Your articles will be showcased to our extensive readership and featured prominently on our site and in our newsletter.

Social Media Promotion: We’ll share your articles across our active social media networks, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to maximize reach.

Build Your Portfolio: Enhance your writing portfolio with published work on a respected platform in the health and wellness space.

Submission Process

Pitch Your Idea: Send us a brief summary of your article idea, including the key points you plan to cover.

Submit Your Draft: Once your pitch is approved, you can submit your draft for review.

Review and Feedback: Our editorial team will provide feedback to help refine your submission if necessary.

Publication: Once approved, your article will be published on Save N Shine and promoted across our channels to ensure maximum engagement.

Submission Guidelines

Article Length: Your article must be at least 1000+ words long. We prioritize well-researched, comprehensive content that offers valuable insights.

Content Originality: We only accept original content not published elsewhere. Your submission must be unique to Save N Shine.

Research and Credibility: Support your claims with credible sources, such as research, studies, or expert opinions. Avoid promotional or competitor links.

Formatting and Readability: Make your article easy to read and well-organized with subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs.

Visuals and Examples: Where applicable, include relevant examples and images to support your points. Avoid generic stock photos. All images should be 1200 pixels wide or less and sent as separate attachments, with proper credit given where needed.

Links: You may include up to 2 relevant links within your article. These should enhance the reader’s experience. You can link to your site or social media in your bio and other Save N Shine articles where appropriate.

Exclusivity: Once published on Save N Shine, your article should not be republished elsewhere, including on your own blog or other platforms.

Tips for Success

Know Us Better: Follow us on social media and engage with our content to understand our style and preferences. This will increase your chances of getting published.

Be Patient: We receive a high volume of submissions. If your article is selected, we will contact you directly, so there’s no need for follow-up emails about your submission status.

For more information or to submit your pitch, contact us at

info[at]savenshine[dot]com We look forward to your contributions